Monday, June 14, 2010


It's only the middle of June, but already so much has happened!

First of all, Luke learned how to read a newspaper (by watching Sesame Street's Murray's "Word of the Day: Newspaper))".

After that, Luke decided to tame some wild horses at the Brussels Medieval Fair. They don't look it in the picture but they were fierce!

Next, it was hide-and-seek with the blankets in his crib. This game lasted for hours!

Soon thereafter, Luke decided he was too big to still be in a crib, so he built himself a big boy bed, with the help of daddy and Ikea. He was quite pleased with the results. Check out his tool belt (thanks liz and dave!).

Then Lydia suddenly (time creeps up on you when you're having fun!) turned 6 months old! She loves carrots, her brother, laughing, and anything that makes an interesting noise!

All of this activity was tiring of course, so Luke and his dad took a very well deserved nap on (Belgium's) father's day.

I wonder what the rest of the month will bring??

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New dance moves

Luke's been perfecting his dance moves, much to the delight of his sister (and parents). Watch and learn...

So, how are you?

Luke really likes asking "So, how are you?", or the french equivalent "Alors, ca va?". Especially to his sister...

Check out this video.