Sunday, March 30, 2008

Paganello 2008

Our time in Europe wouldn't be complete without attending at least a few of the most popular european ultimate frisbee tournaments. Over easter weekend we headed down to Rimini, Italy, for one of the best known and incredibly well-organized tournaments: Paganello. All you frisbee players out there have either been there or heard about it - it truly is one of the best tournaments in the world (and I've been to quite a few!). We managed to get ourselves on a US-based but very international team called D-Rex. Nobody knew what to expect of the D-Rex, but we did quite well for ourselves, finishing 7th overall. I've posted many of our pictures on picasa here. If you don't have the time to view the entire album, here are a few of our favorites.

The team:

Opening ceremonies:

Luke came with us of course:

It was a bit on the chilly side, but the tent was warm and the pasta divine:

The D-Rex mascot (that would be the duck, not luke):

The theme of the last party of the tournament was "good and evil". Needless to say, we never made it to the party (things don't get started until way past our...err...Luke's bedtime). I did make us costumes however, so we played with them during the last game. Check out the great angel wings and halos for Alex and I:

And our devil baby:

Enjoying a bit of sunshine on our last day:

Monday, March 17, 2008

Easter Tree

I love easter - it's the promise of a new beginning, of spring, of sunshine, of hope. Every year I like to decorate easter eggs, it's fun and brings back memories of my childhood. This year I had a bit more time than usual to decorate eggs (though it's impossible to find white eggs in this country!) and make an easter tree. And of course I couldn't resist snapping some pictures of Luke in front of the easter tree!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Le Biberon

For the past three weeks we've been teaching Luke how to take from the bottle, in preparation of putting him in daycare. Last week we finally had a big break through. First he took the bottle from Alex, a few days later from me, and yesterday from Mamy. It's been great to share feeding duty with others, and everyone else also really enjoys it.

Luke's 4-month doctor's appointment is coming up. We're curious how much he gained this month (both in weight and height). We'll keep you posted!