Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bathtime rituals

Is there anything more fun than giving a small baby a bath? I don't think so! It's as easy as 1-2-3 (and 4).

Step 1: Undress baby and give baby a cuddle inside your robe

Step 2: Wash baby thoroughly. Make sure to spill enough water on the floor so that the bathroom floor gets cleaned as well.

Step 3: Quickly dry baby. Get extra bonus points if you can take the baby out of its bath without crying.

Step 4: Dress baby in favorite PJs, and give to dad for a team snooze.

Friday, January 18, 2008

2 Months Old!

January 16th was Luke's 2 month birthday. Everyone with kids knows that the occasion is marked by a cocktail of vaccinations at the doctor's office! Luke did as well as expected (wailing at the top of his lungs), as did mom (who's planning to slash the doctor's tires). At this last doctor's visit, Luke weighed in at 5kg 200g (11lb 3oz) and 59cm (23in). Everyone says that once the baby is over 5kg that they start sleeping through the night. I'll let you know what happens in the next few days...
In the meantime, here are a few more recent pictures:

How does a neck that small hold up such a big head?

Oh, this is how. I'll just rest it on my chest:

Sometimes I also like to hold up my head by my ears:

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


How does an 8-week baby play, you ask? Well, it mostly consists of looking around at brightly shaped toys, flailing your arms and legs, reaching out to rattles and mirrors, cooing at mommy and daddy, and making funny faces. All of this in a 10-minute period, and then falling asleep, exhausted at the effort expended!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Eating Out With Friends

Last week we went out to an indian restaurant with our friends who also just had babies. It was their first outing to a restaurant (we'd gone out to a restaurant a few other times before). You should've seen the restaurant manager's face when he saw three couples, all holding babies, walking into his restaurant! :-) But he took it in stride and all went well! Best of all, Luke wasn't bothered one bit by the spicy curry that his mom ate! Such a good boy...

On the left are our swedish friends Anette and Anders, and on the right are our english/scottish friends Angela (her husband james is taking the picture).

The three babies together, Catriona, Hugo, and Luke:

Monday, January 7, 2008

Three Kings Day

On Sunday January 6, the last day of the christmas season, the children of Belgium celebrated three king's day. They dress up as the three kings of Jerusalem, go from house to house singing carols, and in return get some pocket change. Afterwards, everyone eats the "galette des rois" (king's cake), in which is hidden a miniature doll of jesus. Whoever gets the doll in their slice (and loses a tooth in the process) becomes king for the day. Luke is still a little young for the caroling or cake eating, but that didn't stop us from celebrating anyhow. Even though this picture show Luke as the king, it was my mom that became queen of the day!