Tuesday, December 9, 2008

St. Nicolas

Last weekend all the children in Belgium celebrated St. Nicolas. He's not quite the same as Santa Claus, although the similarities are abundant. If you're interested in what this event is about, read all about it on the wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinterklaas

Or even better, read David Sedaris hilarious short piece on it: http://www.esquire.com/features/ESQ1202-DEC_SEDARIS

Anyway, like all good little children in Belgium, Luke got several gifts in his shoe. His included a little tricycle, which was actually a gift from Alex's cousin John when Luke was born. Thanks John!

For St. Nicolas, my work also organized an afternoon at the circus for all employees with children. We hesitated taking Luke, thinking it might be a bit much for him, but in the end we took him and he loved it. His favorite act was the elephant, followed by the horses, followed by the cows (yes, this circus had a cow act!). Unfortunately we didn't take many pictures, except for one of Alex and Luke walking towards the circus.

More birthday pictures

These are from a birthday party we had with other friends (whose babies also turned 1 recently)

Sporting the latest Belgian fashionable hats:

The cake is ready!


Sugar high!