Monday, February 23, 2009

February update

A lot happened since my last blog entry. Let me see...

In early January, after spending a whole week cooped up in our apartment because of the crappy cold and rainy weather, we finally decided to defy the rain gods and go for a hike in the Foret des Soignes. Miraculously, as soon as we got there, the clouds broke up and we had a great hike under the sun. Lots of pictures here.

Then Alex went to the US for work and obama-mania. Work was just an excuse to go see Obama I think.

Obama fans:

And then it was my bday. Alex organized a great surprise party for me with my parents and niece/nephew. We sang, we ate, we went to the aquarium. A perfect day! Check out the pics.

Now it's the end of February and we're really looking forward to the spring. Early tulips are starting to make an appearance in stores and on my balcony the crocii are pushing through the dirt. Let's hope the sun will follow soon.